
This article is to clear the answering machine settings, which makes your support team’s work more effective and comfortable.

The settings of the answering machine function you can find in the Language settings section


If the answering machine is enabled, then at the first contact with the support, after the time interval specified in "Response time", there will appear a message from the "Phrase for answering machine" field.


If the answering machine is enabled by the support service keys, then when contacting support, there will be searching a phrase by keys from the column “AND” (all the keys from this column should be found in the question) or by keys from the column “OR” (one of the keys from this column should be found). If one of the conditions for matching keys from the "AND" or "OR" columns is met, then the support response will automatically work after the time interval specified in "Response time".

Keys in columns can be saved several times separated by commas.